After posting my last blog, I thought some more about the time issue. Time can't be wasted, but neither can it be something we hurry through. I often tell my students when they make comments such as, "I wish it were Friday," (or something like that) that they shouldn't "Wish their lives away." We're not guaranteed tomorrow. (They think I'm being morbid!) What I want them to realize (and I have to remind myself to take my own advice) is that we have to take time for ourselves. It's not wasting time; it's rejuvinating ourselves! It's renewing the spirit! If we are constantly stressed out/burnt out, how can we enjoy our surroundings or other people? More importantly, how can people enjoy being around us?
Today was stressful. Anything that could go wrong with Sports Picture Day went wrong. As I was walking back from the track, I thought, "I wonder what Mrs. S********* would think if I was to go lie down on the grass and bask in the sun?" That's what I wanted to do.
I ambled back to class.
I'm now taking a break from grading tests to do something for myself (and my mom).
I don't feel guilty either!
There is nothing like taking a picture of yourself,relaxing in a bubble bath....love ya ..mom
so THAT's what that picture is!! LOL.
Hey, I need to try this the next time I come down.
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