Taking practically the entire morning/afternoon, I tackled three closets and a wall-storage unit and came out victorious! Sometimes it was a struggle; clothes called out to me, "Give me one more year and see if you change your mind!" If that plea didn't work, they tried, "But I used to be a favorite!" I also had some, "You never gave me a chance; you didn't like me from the start!" And then there was the infamous, "You know how fashions come back in style! Throw me away today, and you'll be buying one just like me tomorrow!" I persevered, piece by piece, and now my space isn't stuffed to the gills. I can close drawers easier and slide clothes on the rod smoother.
Cleaning out closets is like cleaning out one's mind. We have to take inventory and see what's important. Once we begin, we realize how much of what's important to us is getting smothered by the insignificant. Oh, at one time our worries/concerns were important, and we want to keep a hold of them - just in case. But they build, and when we look, we just see clutter.
So we clean out, we let go, we trust in God.
See you could of stayed another couple days and used those winter clothes you bruoght with you...love ya
Forgot to say GREAT JOB....
Way to go girl! You have given me inspiration.....
Love U
Well said, Jen! I am glad you can "think" now without all that clutter!
DANG!!! thats a lot of clothes
you should think about sending them to good will
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