Saturday, March 31, 2007

The Art of Speaking Well

As an English teacher, I often wonder where did we grammar teachers go wrong? One would think that studying our native language would be interesting (especially now with its encroachment taking place by another language), but it's taken for granted. It's a lot for our lips, teeth, and tongue to maneuver just right to get those sounds out. How much easier it is to say jus instead of pronouncing that final "T"! And where did the sound for "D" start replacing the "TH"? We Americans are lazy speakers, and if someone does try to speak properly, then that person is accused as being "uppity." And don't get me wrong; I love a good accent, but we can have our regional dialects and still speak well.

When I was younger, my mother used to correct me when I said, I ain't got no... or I don't have no... She would say my double negatives turned into a positive.
I later learned that's really only true in algebra.

I myself never paid that much attention to certain grammar rules until I returned to college to become an English teacher. I loved my grammar professor. One day, she talked about the double-negative scenario. Let's face it, she said, if I said I ain't got no money, do you really think I have money in my pockets? Of course not! Standard English may be the correct way in speaking and writing, but there is a variety of ways to communicate. Finally feeling vindicated, we all cheered in the class. But, she continued, you, as teachers, must teach standard English so your students know the difference. They have to know when it's okay to use slang and when it's not okay, and when it's not okay, they have to know what to use instead. Fair enough. Now let's see about making my students understand. It wasn't until I started teaching grammar that I became more aware of it, both during my lessons and in everyday conversations with people other than my students. I guess the studies that state that a person learns better once he has to teach it is correct. It certainly worked with me.

Here are a few of my pet peeves as a teacher:

Where's it at?

I don't know; probably behind the "T." After sighs and eye-rolling the students correct themselves and say Where is it?

Me and so-and-so went...

"Me" didnt' do anything. They change "me" to "I" after more sighs and eye-rolling.

I seen that.

No, you haven't seen anything.

I think I did good on that test.

No one does "good." (This one's been said so many times, the entire class chimes in) I think I did WELL!

My correctioons are sinking in. Last Monday a student, who had been to Athens for the state competition, came in excited to tell me something that had happened to her -

Mrs. Chapman, I have English on the brain! A reporter from a local T.V. station came up and was interviewing us. (She gave some details, but this is the part I particularily like-) Then he turned to me and asked me if I thought any of us had done good. I told him, 'We don't do good; we do well!'" Then another boy said, Can you believe it, Mrs. Chapman? Correcting the guy on T.V.! I wanted to know how he, being corrected, took it. He laughed! they both exclaimed!

What a great feeling! Moments like that make it all worthwhile, eye-rollings and sighs included!

Friday, March 30, 2007

The Arrival of Spring

Ah, Spring! Persephone is released from Hades, and Demeter celebrates the return of her daughter. The earth throws off her winter blanket and explodes with a symphony of colors.

The wisteria's purple petals drape over the fence, the azalas welcome me in my driveway, and the dogwoods, both white and pink remind me that Easter is near.

I grow impatient, wanting to rush to the stores and buy more plants for my flower beds. Wanting to get my hands earth dirty. But April is sneaky, and can sometimes surprise us with a freeze. I need to wait a little longer...

Pollen - it gives that statement Spring is in the air a whole new tangible meaning.

I get to look forward to something else with the coming of spring - the leaving of the peahens!The peacocks are strutting, and it won't be long before the hens go off to build their nests and, hopefully, raise their broods. But best of all, they won't be pooping on my patio!


Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Time to...Organize!

As I tried to cram one more t-shirt into a drawer (and it wouldn't fit so I tried another), the reason why I'm not spending my entire spring break away from home was reinforced!
I have to stay home and organize!
I have clothes that I've had FOREVER! Seriously, I have a smock top that I had as a junior in high school! But every year when I look in my closets at the clothes that are taking up space, I think, "Oh, let me give it one more year."
Then, the way fashion recylcles itself, I think if I hold onto it, I'll be saving money.
I have storage space that make most people envious. I need to be able to utilize it more efficiently.
Plus, there are people who will actually wear what I don't wear if I donate it. It does nobody any good stuffed in a drawer.
It's not as if I'm a "depression" child and grew up without. Sure, I felt as if I was doing without because I wasn't dressed in designer, but that's different. Don't know where this need to hoard clothes comes from. Maybe it's because it's attached to memories. It reminds me of the guy from Clean Sweep when he helps people downsize their stuff. He would agree that it's time to say goodbye!
Another benefit - I won't pull a muscle trying to close or open these drawers!

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Time for ...Meditation!

I used to hate mornings. Snuggling under the covers, feeling all cozy, not a care in the world, I didn't want to leave my bed. But as I've gotten older, I've appreciated mornings more. Like me, my side of the world is just waking up, and it's still groggy. The hustle and bustle hasn't set in. Saturday mornings are my favorite. Since I'm not pressed for time, I'm able to plod along and enjoy it more before the beck and call of "what needs to be done" begins.
I used to be the kind of person that would sleep in as late as possible until I had to get up, but lately I've found myself "piddling" - maybe get a load of clothes going, unload the dishwasher, straighten up - things I normally didn't do on a week morning. When I decided I wanted to make a devotional time part of my life, I tried it at night. It didn't work. I found myself grabbing a novel or magazine instead. I wanted to "wind down," and I felt that I wasn't as alert as I should be. My devotional time had to be in the mornings. Oh no! That meant getting up earlier! Yes, indeed!
Now looking back, I can't say I hated mornings. I hated (and truthfully, still do) the enertia of having to get up, but once I'm up, I find a peace I enjoy. That's probably why I also enjoy getting to school before everyone else; I really like the "quiet before the storm." Now in the mornings, reading my devotions and scripture has become part of my day. I feel as if I'm starting if off right. Granted, I haven't memorized scriptures, but I've gotten better at remembering where I've read something.
Recently we teachers were talking about how somedays it feels that all we do is rebuke the students, and after talking with the girls - AGAIN - about the low-cut tops that some were wearing, the lead teacher said that when we get on to them it doesn't mean we're picking on them. (Of course, they don't see it that way.) And somedays, like I've told my team, I'm tired of being the "heavy." I'm tired of being the teacher that makes the students tow the line. Then this past Thursday I read Hebrews 12:5-6
My sons, do not despise the chastening of the Lord,
Nor be discouraged when you are rebuked by Him:
For whom the Lord loves He chastens
And scourges every son whom He receives.
I was renewed, but still, "I do this because I love you" is hard medicine to swallow.
I don't know. I shouldn't be surprised, but when I find an "answer" or "guide" to a situation I'm dealing with during my devotion time, I get this little jolt of "Ah-ha!" and a sense that although I stumble most of the way, I am on the right path.

Friday, March 16, 2007

Time for...Exercise!

Once I heard Oprah say on her show that exercising is like brushing one's teeth - it's just something that has to be done and should be done.

Exercise is more than physical well-being. It also offers bonding with my pets, fellowship with my friends, and a time to reflect.

I'm glad spring is on the way. I love walking outside when the temperature is not stifling and new growth is sprouting. I like rediscovering the sunset over the lake, the smells of budding flowers, and the sounds of the mockingbirds. I like seeing the trees along the driveway start to renew their foliage, and I'll know it won't be too much longer when those same trees will not allow the sun to beat down upon me with its unrelenting summer heat.

In addition, the Dog Whisperer would be proud of me. He's a big "Walk you dog" advocate.

AND two other friends and I have formed an exercise group. For the past month we've been down in our church basement, our "gym," sweating away, but since we've started to have weather, we've opted for being outside. Also, there are days when we don't meet as a group, so that's the days that I'm on my own with my four-legged companions.

It's a wonder we're not all exercise nuts with all that exercise has to offer!

Monday, March 12, 2007

Taking the Time

After posting my last blog, I thought some more about the time issue. Time can't be wasted, but neither can it be something we hurry through. I often tell my students when they make comments such as, "I wish it were Friday," (or something like that) that they shouldn't "Wish their lives away." We're not guaranteed tomorrow. (They think I'm being morbid!) What I want them to realize (and I have to remind myself to take my own advice) is that we have to take time for ourselves. It's not wasting time; it's rejuvinating ourselves! It's renewing the spirit! If we are constantly stressed out/burnt out, how can we enjoy our surroundings or other people? More importantly, how can people enjoy being around us?

Today was stressful. Anything that could go wrong with Sports Picture Day went wrong. As I was walking back from the track, I thought, "I wonder what Mrs. S********* would think if I was to go lie down on the grass and bask in the sun?" That's what I wanted to do.

I ambled back to class.

I'm now taking a break from grading tests to do something for myself (and my mom).

I don't feel guilty either!

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Time Is Not on My Side

Next week Daylight Savings Time kicks in - three weeks earlier. Since we have that extra daylight at the end of the day instead of the beginning, does that just mean that we have more "working hours"? I think so. Think when someone says, "You're burning daylight!" That means you're wasting time; get busy! Doesn't the daylight hour thing work itself out anyway? I mean, even now, it's starting to get darker later. Does it have to be semi-light outside at eight, eight-thirty at night?

Time really is a precious commondity. I often complain that I don't have enough of it, but in truth, I think I do; I just don't use it wisely. Time management is more than just prioritizing. If it's important, time is found, but it's the things that we don't want to do that gets put off over and over again until it's an avalanche that's crashing down all around us. For me, that would be essays. "Oh, I have time to do that later. Oh, I'll do it over Christmas." Now I'm saying, "Oh, I'll catch up over Spring Break."

When the Rolling Stones (great rock band!) wrote "Time Is On My Side," I wonder, "To whom were they referring?" It sure isn't me - or so I think.

I think the saying, "Tomorrow I'll have more time..." is funny. No, you have the same exact 24 hours. What we should be saying is, "Tomorrow I'll use my time more wisely and be able to do..."

As a secretary I had read some person's trick for staying on top of things that I adopted at my job. It stated, "Handle a document one time." Basically, once I picked something up, I wouldn't put it down for "later." I did it then and avoided a stockpile.

I need to revive that policy and apply it to essays...and clothes, shoes, ...

My watch has just beeped 5:00. Not all of my tests are graded, so I'll pack those up. Right now I need to go home and go for a walk with my puppies! Now that's time well spent!