Monday, January 29, 2007

Being Supportive

Last week driving home, I was listening to NPR, and they were reporting on the anti-war demonstrations at the White House. It was reported that one protester held a sign that read "The Emperor has no (is wearing no) clothes," and it depicted Bush in the nude with a pink cowboy hat hanging on his you-know-what.

I hope these protesters kiss the ground and thank God every single day that they live in America, because if they were living in a "Post-Bush" Iraq and had signs like that about Sadaam Hussein, they would either be imprisoned or dead. The irony of it...

Now personally, I never really understood why Bush invaded Iraq. After he attacked Afghanastan looking for Osama bin Laden, he should have followed him into Pakistan and kept pursuing him. Hussein "had" WMD's? Well, there's no doubt North Korea does, and I don't see us going there. Bush doesn't think China has WMD's? Or Cuba? Again, I think it was a personal vendetta, a left-over from his father. But once again, I digress...

I don't know if the Iraqi people really want democracy - maybe at first they did, but who knows now. But what I do know is that we need to pray for our President, and if we're going to criticize him, then we need to offer an alternative solution. Think of your occupation, whether it be a stay-at-home mom, a teacher, a doctor, a scientist. Think of the daily stresses that come with it. Our President isn't trying to run a household or a business; he's trying to run America, a Superpower, with two whining, complaining children (the Democratics and Republicans -Yes, I know there are some Liberals and Independents, but the the donkeys and the elephants are the majority), and he's trying to keep the peace. Pray for him! He doesn't needs a country full of PAMS (pissing and moaning).

For God to bless America, we need to ask him to bless our leaders as well!

1 comment:

Andrea said...

Preach it, sister. You told it how it is...thanks.