My mom, for a long time, has bought me a subscription to Reader's Digest. There are two sections I read right away: "Word Power" and "Quotable Quotes." I thought I'd share this issues of "Quotable Quotes" and my thoughts concerning them.
They say marriages are made in heaven, but so are thunder and lightning. - Clint Eastwood
Well, Clint, behind every cloud is a silver lining. No one's marriage is "perfect." How dull it would be without the occasional thunderstorm!
Want to improve your relationships? See love as a verb rather than as a feeling.
- Stephen Covey
Hear, hear! We could all do better on this one!
The heart ages last. - Sylvester Stallone
For someone who just made another Rocky movie (at what age 60?), this just goes to show one can do anything if you have the "heart" for it. We are only as old as we make ourselves believe.
Natural beauty takes at least two hours in front of the mirror. - Pamela Anderson
Oh pu-leese. This woman has more plastic than my pen. (Okay, not a nice thing to say.) But really, what does she know about it? Natural beauty is getting up, brushing teeth, pulling hair back in a ponytail, putting on some deo, and ready to face the day. Not me. I need at least some mascara and lipstick/gloss. (My mom always said her mother never left the house without lipstick. )
The most important thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother.
-Theodore Hesburgh
True, especially if "love" is used as a verb. Also, he needs to love himself.
Hot heads and cold hearts never solved anything. - Billy Graham
Yes, but what about "hot heads and hot hearts"? To me, a "hot heart" is being passionate about it. I guess it would depend on how it's presented. Don't cram it down my throat and don't "talk down" to me.
It's just like magic. When you live by yourself, all of your annoying habits are gone.
-Merril Markoe
Haha! But sometimes our annoying habits are picked up by others and we can really see how it is.
The last three were my favorites:
The formula for a successful relationship is simple: Treat all disasters as if they were trivialitues, but never treat a triviality as if it were a disaster. - Quentin Crisp
This goes across the board - personal and professional relationships. If parents would realize that making below an 80 is NOT the end of the world! If I didn't care that Clay can't find something...
To say my fate is not tied to your fate is like saying, "Your end of the boat is sinking."
-Hugh Downs
Wow. We are all on this planet together. We have got to learn to be more accepting.
And last...
Having to explain it means you probably shouldn't have said it. - Cary Clack
Have you come across anything lately?
Hmm. The Cary Clack one confuses me. Whatever did he (or she) mean by that?
And I had to laugh at the bit about making sure you always wear your lipstick--how many times have I heard *that* one!! ? :)
If I come across a good one, I'll share it with you for sure.
I liked the one from January that is by Paul Sweeny it says,"Self-delusion is pulling your stomach in as you step on the scales".
Love ya,Mom
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