Wednesday, October 11, 2006

What's in a Name?

In Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, Juliet posed that question. So when I had learned of my cousin's blog, I thought, "How neat! A journal for the world to read." I thought her title, Flourishingmother, was fitting for her, but when I started pondering my own "identity," and the impact I'm sure it would have, I then thought, "What am I doing?" I'm sure others have thought the same. One time I almost entered some of my poems in a contest - a bunch of rambling thoughts, but I liked them. I had to collect ten of them and name my collection. I chose Snow Is on the Screen and Static Is the Sound. (It's that channel you have on your T.V. that's not quite within range. You can see the picture and hear the dialogue, but...)
I like that idea and what it can imply. At times my writing will make perfect sense (whether you agree or disagree), and other times you'll think, "What?"
So, what's in a name? Whatever you want to get out of it.

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