Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Coming of Age

When I was a senior in high school, I was a teacher's aide for a lovely woman, and even after fifteen years, we still keep in contact. Several years ago (and after I had graduated from college) she wrote in a letter that I could call her by her first name. I have always thought of her as Mrs. H**, and the whole idea seemed weird to me. Matter of fact, one of my old college classmates, who is about fifteen/twenty years older than I, became really good friends with one of our professors (they are in the same age bracket), and whenever my friend refers to my ex-professor by her first name, I do a quick mental reminder of who the person is. Needless to say, I still call my friend, for whom I was an aide, Mrs. H**.

I guess I'm showing my age because it seems the times are a changing! It's happened to me twice now. I've had two ex-students (who are seniors in college now)call me by my first name. Not that I minded; it just took me by surprise. I had both in ninth grade English, and then one took yearbook, so I had her for three more years. Four years of hearing "Mrs. C**" and now it's "Jennifer."

Weird, but neat, too. They are, afterall, adults now.

Sorry, Mrs. H**. Maybe one day, but not yet.

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