Saturday, December 16, 2006

My Own Ifs

It's a Saturday afternoon, and instead of the "what it should be" temperature for this time of year, it's in the seventies today. While sitting at the computer, I look out at the lake and its tranquility, but trapped inside is a wasp (with these old windows, wasps are always getting trapped inside) buzzing at the window. His escape back outside is hopeless, but he doesn't give up. Looking at him, my mind starts to wander, and eventually my own list of Ifs are composed...

If people thought about their occupation more than
"It's a job"
If the justice system really worked
If the joy of learning never grew old
If families ate dinner together without
If no one was trying to make a quick buck
If people really did treat others as they
wanted to be treated
If the word love wasn't overused
If people didn't throw trash out their cars
If a cure for cancer and other diseases was found
If children, the elderly, people in general,
and pets were't abused
If bigotry was eliminated
If everyone could have affordable health care
If we could all die peacefully in our sleep
If we all kept a bit of modesty
If people would think on their own and not be
a victim of mob mentality
If those in power didn't abuse their position
If the words hunger, homeless, poverty, and
destitute were obsolete
If everyone believed in and trusted God

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Beautiful words, here.
The last sentence answers them all!